Friday, January 18, 2019

It's 2019 drone days

I collected tonnes of video footages from my builds however most of them were just from around the front yard.  I now have close to 40 quadcopters built up mostly with Betaflight 3.0 and 4.0 flight controllers with several SP3 for the earlier builds. I flew almost daily during the Spring of 2018 all the way into the summer. As winter approached  I fly them only occasionally when the weather allows for it or when the clouds are really super duper looking.

Off location flying so far has been only to Fidgeland (several sessions over multiple days), Maudal (one full day) and Vaulen (occasional weekend mornings). Vaulen is easist to get to because it is a site closest to home. Most of the time choosing the best sites to fly has been rather difficult with people's perception of these craft being a nuisance and a tool for invading privacy. To avoid complications and any unwanted confrontation I have always chosen sites away from people and/or time of day when there is less likelihood of having to share the space with other folks.

So far there has been no issue with the neighbours whenever I fly in in the frontyard but I do feel that I'm pushing my luck each time I take to the air. It was much easier when living in Hundvag since the houses are much further apart (except for that barnehage in front).

You can see my boring chasing clouds flight videos on my channel here : Youtube

For 2019 to date I have partially built 5x6-7 in frames and planning to complete them before Spring pops up. These maybe be the last few frames to be build from this class.  These bunch will likely be my last few builds. After this it will be only about flying and maybe occasionally doing maintenance runs.

I also still have two 450 class which have been waiting since last winter to be wired up. I think it is rather difficult to fly large craft unnoticed.

Alfa Monster with DYS Samguk Wei motors

Shark 330 with 3BHobby motors

URUAV 310 with Racerstar Sprog motors

Cross 300 with Emax motors

Diatone 630 with Racerstar Sprog motors

Waiting ...

Several locations that I would like to give more coverage in 2019 are : Fidgeland from 1100m trailing the ridge and  Reve coast trailing the waterline. These would be cool footages to have in my collection.

It's 2019 drone days

I collected tonnes of video footages from my builds however most of them were just from around the front yard.  I now have close to 40 quadc...